NEW KROM POP LOL (11 colours to choose from) Fashion

The world s best selling kendama got an upgrade, introducing the NEW POP LOL® for beginners and pros alike.
Updated with the CK shape, providing bigger cups, and the sticky LOL® clear helping you lace all your tricks with ease.
KROM CK shape ken in beech wood with triangle sticker. 61mm LOL® clear coated beech wood tama, 30% white scope with “KROM” tracking stripe. Custom box and stickers.
Black string & plastic bead 🔅
What is a KENDAMA?
For those that haven’t heard of these wonderful items before – The kendama (けん玉, sword [and] ball ) is a traditional Japanese skill toy.
It consists of a handle (ken), a pair of cups (sarado), and a ball (tama) that are all connected together by a string.
On one end of the ken is a cup, while the other end of ken is narrowed down, forming a spike (kensaki) that fits into the hole (ana) of the tama. The kendama is the Japanese version of the classic cup and ball game.
The Kendama can be held in different grips, and the tricks and combinations that can be done are limitless.
This is seriously fun for all ages (ideal age might be 8+ but there are some amazing 6 7 year olds our there who totally rock these kendamas, so for how old is too old)
NOTE: Words from a Kendama Pro: It is absolutely normal for any Kendama to get chips and dints due to the nature of the game. What you will find is as they break in (chip and dint) they will become better for stall tricks etc, especially as they lose paint around the bevel (hole). So don’t fret too much if your Kendama is showing signs of being played with. After all we all know all wooden toys that are much loved will show these marks of love.
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